Horse Racing, Hockey, House-Hunting, and Haute Cuisine

My husband and I have an activity-filled weekend ahead of us, and I can't wait. We're planning another outing to Bay Meadows on Saturday afternoon, followed by our weekly hockey game on Saturday night. On Sunday we're going to see a few open houses in San Carlos and San Francisco, and then we'll have dinner with Terence and Kathleen. We're hoping that they can squeeze us in at the Slanted Door, but the backup plan (I think) is tapas at the Thirsty Bear.

The best part is, it's supposed to be SUNNY! And on Sunday (I've heard a rumor), we may hit 70 degrees (about 21, for those of you in Celcius-counting countries). Woo hoo! The rainy spring has been great for hiking around, pretending San Carlos is Ireland, but enough already. Bring on the sun!

Posted by Lori in sports at 2:39 PM on May 8, 2003