Down, But Not Out

I haven't felt many strong urges to update this site lately (except during the Presidential press conference the other night); mostly I've been writing for myself, not for public consumption. I'm still recovering from a nasty bout of bronchitis, and it's left me a bit tired and listless.

The good news is that after a week of rain, spring has finally sprung in Philadelphia. I've managed to get out of the house and walk a bit over the past few days, and yesterday I re-potted our tomato, pepper, and swiss chard sprouts (I grew them from seed). I really should go to Home Depot today and get some more soil so I can get the rest of the sprouts out into the 80° sunshine, but the Red Sox are playing the Yankees on ESPN-HD, and I'm expecting a UPS delivery this afternoon.

On Wednesday I'm planning to drive up to Hunter, NY to see my grandmother, and this weekend my in-laws will be visiting us for the first time in Philadelphia. I'm still not sure how I'm going to deal with this flurry of human interaction, after being quiet and cocooned for the last couple weeks...

Posted by Lori in philadelphia at 1:33 PM on April 19, 2004