My First Mother's Day

I think of Mother's Day as my mother's day, probably because her birthday (May 9) often falls on Mother's Day, and even when it doesn't we usually celebrate the two occasions together. But since ratphooey just IMed (while I was in the kitchen doing dishes and not in front of the computer, sadly) to wish me an early Happy Mother's Day, I figured I'd acknowledge that ping here and say a few words about what it's like for me to be a mother.

joyful . wonderful . amazing . sweet
enlightening . maddening . emotional
heart-rending . hopeful
educational . endearing

This year we will not be celebrating Mother's Day in my honor. It seems a little strange to pick one day to acknowledge my motherhood, when I'm reminded by it—rewarded by it and rent by it—every day. Someday, maybe, when Austen is old enough to make me a card at school, I will celebrate Mother's Day for me. Until then, the day belongs to mom.

Posted by Lori in parenthood at 8:48 PM on May 6, 2005

Comments (1)

That is an excellent list.


That is an excellent list.

Posted by: ratphooey [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 7, 2005 2:46 PM

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