Gruesome Injury Photos

It's difficult to show the injury to my butt without mooning the entire Internet (and even harder to photograph your own butt), but I think I've got something that's cropped enough to show some of the damage without violating any obscenity laws. Because of the cropping, it's hard to tell the relative size and position of the injury, so I'll do my best to describe it. The bruising you see is in a sling-like shape under the knob. In other words, the part that *isn't* reddish-purple is the center of the knob, and the swelling extends higher up my back than this photo shows. The left edge of the photo, just at the top of the bruising, is roughly where my tailbone is.

knob bruising

The photo of my arm is much less gruesome, mostly because the bruise is bluish-purple instead of reddish-purple.

arm injury

Hannah had the brilliant idea of taking some Advil to help with the swelling, and although it still doesn't seem to be going down after 800mg of the stuff, the pain is much better. I just hope I can put on my hockey pants—and before that, endure two 3-hour flights—on Friday! I'll be taking a small pillow to stuff behind my back just in case...

Posted by Lori in me, me, me at 10:41 PM on May 24, 2006