Two Posts Worth Reading

I have a bunch to write about and hope to have time to do so later today, but for now I wanted to make sure these two posts by other women got a read. (I'm sure they will, since both blogs are far more widely read than mine, but in case you missed them...)

Stand-Off at Starbucks by Mom 101

The lie. by Alice of Finslippy

Both describe the crap that we as women put ourselves through. Why do we do this to ourselves and each other? It's a phenomenon I noticed long before I became a mother: that women often do not support other women. Or rather, we do, or we appear to, until such point as we ourselves feel threatened. It happens in the workplace all the time, and it happens outside it, too. The threat need not be real for us to come out fighting, either.

Anyway, something to think about... and mourn.

Posted by Lori in bloggity goodness at 11:45 AM on January 31, 2007

Comments (1)

Thanks so much for the shout-out Lori. And as if your own post summoned the crazies - I just got a troll telling me I should be sterilised [sic] for sleep training my daughter (ie letting her cry for an hour two nights in a row). Of course I'm considering her advice. We should all take parenting tips from illiterate anonymous internet trolls, right?


Thanks so much for the shout-out Lori. And as if your own post summoned the crazies - I just got a troll telling me I should be sterilised [sic] for sleep training my daughter (ie letting her cry for an hour two nights in a row). Of course I'm considering her advice. We should all take parenting tips from illiterate anonymous internet trolls, right?

Posted by: Mom101 at January 31, 2007 4:40 PM

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