On The Off-Chance That Someone *Does* Care What I Had For Lunch

I'm finding that I'm sort of blogging in my photo descriptions on Flickr rather than posting here with a link to the Flickr photo these days. The photo of what I had for lunch today is a case in point (though I've opted to link to the photo below as well because I'm really proud of how the croutons practically jump out of the screen), and so are the every-two-or-three-days ankle updates.

I think this is partly because I'm lazy (it's too much of a pain to copy the code to Movable Type), and partly because if the whole post is about a single photo, it makes sense to just tell the story in context, next to the photo. In any case, this is what I had for lunch today:

trader joe's shrimp and dill stuffed salmon with homemade parmesan multigrain breadcrumbs
trader joe's shrimp and dill stuffed salmon with homemade parmesan multigrain breadcrumbs

Posted by Lori in food and photography at 5:46 PM on May 17, 2007

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Posted by: byjane at May 17, 2007 6:28 PM

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