Blog Backlog

I have a sticky note on my monitor and a sheet of notepaper in my purse with a list of things I need to blog about, and I've been trying t decide whether to stick them all in one post or spread them over separate ones. I think I'm going to go the latter route mainly so the posts are easier to categorize (and for readers to scan). I'm also debating about whether I should post in chronological order; I think I'm going to go with the things that are most important to me to get down, regardless of when they happened, in case I run out of steam before I get everything out. Stand by.

Posted by Lori in bloggity goodness at 9:33 PM on August 7, 2007

Comments (1)

I get backlogs a lot too and can never decide how to get out of it--long entries or lots of short ones? I usually go long because once I start slicing things up the other slices never get added for various reasons.


I get backlogs a lot too and can never decide how to get out of it--long entries or lots of short ones? I usually go long because once I start slicing things up the other slices never get added for various reasons.

Posted by: Angela at August 11, 2007 1:27 AM

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