A Little (OK, a LOT) of Noise for a Good Cause

It's a beautiful early fall day here in Philadelphia, with cool temperatures and dry air. No need for A/C, so I've had the windows open for the past few days to clear out the stuffiness. About 30 minutes ago, however, the noise became unbearable, and I had to shut the ones in the front of the house at least. At the same time, I took at look out the window to see where all that racket was coming from, and spotted a Streets Department worker jackhammering at a signpost.

out with the old

I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I ran outside to inquire just in case... and was rewarded with exactly the news I was hoping to get: WE ARE GETTING A STOP SIGN AT 21st AND CHERRY!!! The Streets Department worker of whom I inquired was very friendly about it and smiled at my enthusiasm. I know it's unlikely that most cars will actually stop at this new stop sign, but I'm hoping it will at least slow them down and get them to consider whether there's some traffic on Cherry Street waiting patiently to cross 21st. I'm also hoping there'll be fewer incidents like this:


...and that there'll be no need to change the name of my Why We Need a Stop Sign at 21st and Cherry photoset on Flickr to Why We Need a Stop LIGHT at 21st and Cherry. Please people, OBEY THE SIGN!

And thank you, thank you, thank you to whoever gave the order to the lovely Streets Department workers making such a racket outside.

I wanted to hug this man

Posted by Lori in philadelphia at 10:39 AM on September 18, 2007

Comments (2)

Congratulations! I'll be sure to stop for an extra long time in your honor the next time we hit the Please Touch Museum.


Congratulations! I'll be sure to stop for an extra long time in your honor the next time we hit the Please Touch Museum.

Posted by: girlfiend at September 18, 2007 3:15 PM

Excellent news!

Posted by: ratphooey [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 18, 2007 4:28 PM

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