School, Eventually

I feel compelled to tell you all that I started a post about the Beaner's first day of school on his actual first day of school—namely, last Wednesday—but I haven't had time to write about it while working, and I didn't feel like blogging at all this weekend. So I am both very virtuous and incredibly lazy.

I do plan to post about it eventually, really. It's just so hard to get my thoughts together, especially since I wasn't there in the classroom on that first day (Al was), and the phase-in schedule means that I barely make it to my desk before I have to go pick the Beaner up. The shortened workday doesn't leave much time for blogging... or for baking cookies for the parent pot-luck on Thursday night, for that matter. We admitted defeat tonight and got some mushroom pockets from Trader Joe's. (I'm dying to see if that's what every other equally-busy parent does, too.

Once normal blogging resumes, remind me to tell you about the books. Oh, the books! They're wonderful things.

Posted by Lori in school at 11:08 PM on September 4, 2007