
I have so many things to say, but for one reason or another—discretion, a desire for privacy, laziness, technological hurdles, lack of time, guilt that I should be doing work/playing with my kid/tending my garden instead of blogging—I'm not saying them here. I've been Twittering some of my observations because sometimes it's easier to blurt out a thought in 140 characters or fewer than it is to expound on it (with photographs!) here, but other observations are just stuck inside because they need more time, attention, and mulling-over than I'm willing to give right now.

The Beaner goes back and forth between being the best kid ever to the biggest, bitterest pill ever, with more time spent on the latter half of the spectrum than the former, and it's wearing. "Very smart, but gives up too easily" would be an apt description of both of us. In fact, I'm seeing lots of shades of my own childhood, to the great amusement of my father. (I find it less funny.) Al and I have been strategizing about how to handle it, and we're tweaking that strategy about weekly.

Anyway, I know that while the Beaner is wobbling his way through the Terrible Threes, I am being just as inconstant here, going back and forth between incoherent and utterly silent. I'm hoping to break out of that pattern by participating in NaBloPoMo for the month of May. I think the discipline of writing every day will be good for me. I *know* writing helps me process, helps me figure out what I really think and feel, and I need that right now. I may split my entries between this blog and my hockey blog, but I do plan to write something—posts about Disney World, my container garden on the deck, the UWHL playoffs, and the tournament Shelly, Nielle, and I went to in Greenfield, MA a couple weekends ago are all on the To-Do list—every day in May. See you tomorrow!

Posted by Lori in me, me, me at 10:38 AM on April 30, 2008