A Day in Which We All Needed a Nap

Short summary of today: golf lessons for Cousin H and the Beaner (the latter's first, and he loved it), a shopping walk for me (woo, three pairs of workout pants from Gap Body!) that ended in a migraine (OW!), a lunch of leftovers from Graciela's (yum!), a nap for Al (so he'd be awake enough to drive home) and for me (so the icepicks in my left eyebrow would relent a bit), a tantrum by the Beaner when we told him it was time to leave, a 45-minute nap by the Beaner begun in the Lincoln Tunnel, barely civil behavior after he woke up (from him to us, not the other way around; favorite quote: "I wish you'd gotten more milk in that cup," said in the most ungrateful tone I've yet heard from him, after I told him that the vanilla milk I'd bought him at Starbucks was gone), a bonanza at the Gymboree at Cherry Hill Mall (three pairs of PJs, a jacket, and some shorts for $60!), buckets, chicken wire, and lettuce seeds from Home Depot, dinner at Wegmans, laundry, a short struggle at bathtime followed by endless avowals that I was loved soooo much (I suspect in an effort to postpone sleep), and then peace.

I'm too tired from transcribing yesterday's post and scanning the Polaroids to go with it to elaborate further, but I'm not sure it's necessary anyway. The paragraph above kinda speaks for itself. It was a productive, fun, painful, tiring, frustrating, but ultimately fine day.

Posted by Lori in parenthood at 11:29 PM on May 11, 2008

Comments (1)

heidivoltmer [TypeKey Profile Page]:

Happy mother's day! This sounds like my Sunday with an overly stimulated child. Hopefully your week will be less tiring and frustrating.


Happy mother's day! This sounds like my Sunday with an overly stimulated child. Hopefully your week will be less tiring and frustrating.

Posted by: heidivoltmer [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 12, 2008 5:31 PM

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