Processor Misfiring

I'm having problems lately with my secondary processor. That is, the mental processor that verifies that my math is correct when I calculate a tip or add two numbers, and that tells my fingers what to type when I have a thought, is misfiring. I looked at a $52 bill today and said to Al, "is $12 enough?" My primary processor calculated $12 as being more than 20% and therefore more than enough, but my secondary processor refused to confirm the calculation, no matter how long I stared at the check.

Similarly, in the past two days I caught myself typing entry when I meant entree, fix when I meant fish, addition when I meant edition. I shudder to think how many e-mails have gone out with similar word substitutions; if you've received one of them, please be assured that I'm not stupid, that I can spell, and that I chose my words carefully in my head. The words just got garbled in transit to my fingers.

I hope it's a sign of sleep deprivation, overwork, and distraction, not of early senility. I'm turning 40 in a couple weeks, and IMHO, 40's a little too early to be going round the bend.

Posted by Lori in me, me, me at 4:37 PM on October 14, 2008

Comments (1)

Maybe you're pregnant?



Maybe you're pregnant?


Posted by: juliloquy at October 16, 2008 9:55 PM

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