This Is It

I drove to work on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday this week (I think), but I'm back on the train this morning because I didn't think I could handle 8am traffic. We have to be in by 8:30 because today is the Big Day: the day we decide if we're ready to ship. Taking the trains means that I'll probably get in at 8:40 instead of 8:30, but I just couldn't bring myself to drive. I'm too tired.

I just looked at my hand and realized that I took my ring off to clean it, and I left it in the cleaning solution. I feel naked without it. Nothing to fiddle with. Darn.

This is a strange exercise: trying to write in my blog when I'm so tired I can barely form a coherent sentence. During the morning and early afternoon yesterday I kept dozing off at my keyboard, but by evening I was beyond tired and had moved to punchy. Productivity dropped off precipitously all around the office, and we started giggling at inappropriate times, getting up and dancing occasionally, and just generally getting into trouble. By 10pm, W was doing the "look, I'm flying!" lean outside my cube, and by 11 she was looking for packing peanuts to stuff in somebody's overhead bin. (Won't somebody be surprised this morning! <Insert evil Calvin grin here.><Now insert sarcastic roll of eyes from Lori.>)

At 11:30, D came looking for a digital camera which which to take a "slightly obscene photo for a very good cause." I had my digital camera but no cables (I forgot about the smart card reader hooked up to my Mac because I never use it), so D started eyeing my webcam as a possibility. I said, "well, you'll need my laptop, too, because that's how the camera works. Can you bring the obscenity to my laptop, or must my laptop go to the obscenity?" He seemed to think that my virgin eyes couldn't take it, so he made off with my laptop for about 10 minutes. If you happened to be looking at my webcam between 11:30 and 11:45 last night, you probably saw what D and his cohorts were up to.

At midnight I got the green light to go home. W hadn't come back with the packing peanuts by then, so for all I know it'll be *my* overhead bins that will bury me this morning. I can't wait.

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